
Sunday, January 5, 2025

Dick McAuliffe - the Spark Plug of 68


TRIVIA WINNER: The answer to last weeks question was that in my youth baseball days I played for the following five teams; Cubs, Cardiinals, Indians, White Sox and Beckman Motors. The others were real teams but I never got to play for them. Kudos to those of you who read my book and learned of at least two of the teams I played for and of course the book cover above shows me in a White Sox uniform. No one got more than three and the annual winner of the $50 Starbucks Gift Card for garnering the most points is Tim Fealy of Punta Gorda, Florida, who finished with 915 points. Congrats to Tim. Runners up and in contention were Ken Levansoure 835, Dave Rolfes 755, and Scott Hitchcox 760. We start all over again this week with the contest ending June 30, 2025The Prize: 50 points toward the person's total

NEW TRIVIA CONTEST: You will still be required to enter the drawing as usual. However,  through June 2025 you will get points depending on the complexity of the questions. Enter each week and correct answers will get those points-one guess per person per week. The reader with the most points after June's final column will get a $50 Starbucks Gift Card. Ties will be placed into a drawing. Tell your friends and sports fans who like trivia. We will keep track of your points. - YOU MUST ENTER VIA THE EMAIL AT THE END OF THIS COLUMN.

NEW TRIVIA QUESTION:  This is the first new question of 2025. At age 32, this father and son played for the same NL franchise (although in different decades) and played a combined 93 games between them for that franchise during their age 32 year. Who were they? TOTAL 50 POINTS

The 1968 Detroit Tigers were a pretty amazing bunch. Of the top seven players who received MVP votes that season, four of them were Tigers. While 31 game winner Denny McClain got 20 First Place votes to walk away with the prize, Bill Freehan, his catcher was second and both Willie Horton and Dick McAuliffe were there as well. In the top 25 were Norm Cash, Mickey Stanley and Jim Northrup. Surprisingly, Mr. Tiger, Al Kaline did not receive the votes.

McAuliffe, the second sacker only hit .249 but was the lead-off catalyst for much of the season. The open stance was extreme but he played in 151 games and led the league in Runs Scored with 95. His 50 Extra Base Hits were key including 16 home runs. He was a force to be reckoned with.

In the second game of the season he homered off the Red Sox Jose Santiago. 

More importantly for the Tigers, McAuliffe, who batted at the top or second in the order he had an amazing statistic and a powerful one. In 570 AB's he did not hit into a double play, not one. He always kept the inning going and when you are followed by the likes of Kaline, Cash, Freehan, Northrup and Horton, staying on base and not giving up a second out meant runs, runs and more runs.

He would have better years but none as important. Take 1966 for instance. He hit .274 with 23 homers and 83 runs scored. His WAR was an amazing 6.0, the best of his career. On that 1968 club however there were five players with a WAR above 5 and McAuliffe was one of them. McLain was off the charts at 7.4 and Freehan was right behind him at 6.9. 

McAuliffe died in 2016 at the age of 76. He still lives in the hearts of Tiger fans.

TRIVIA CONTEST; Enter via the following email. Send 1) your answer to the trivia question at the top of the column, 2) your name, address and email so where we know where to send the card if you win 3) any comment you have on the column. One winner will be selected at the end of the calendar year based on the total points acquired via weekly contests.

I've written more than a dozen books including at least two sports books. You can find these at my Amazon page or at my own website Please take a look at the sports books, the western novel series or the "Tattoo Murder," which is a crime book set in Ventura, CA.

Use PayPal to or contact us at the same email for other payment. 

Thank you to those of you who purchased my books after reading this column.

Just a note to add; If you look at the top right hand corner of the side bar you will see a link to daily sports scores. We made an agreement with Baseball 24 in a mutual sharing situation. Hope its helpful to fans of several sports.

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